Project Learning Weeks
To facilitate students’ independent learning capabilities, develop their generic skills and interpersonal relations, Project Learning Weeks Activity was held from 13th to 23rd January 2025. This year’s theme is “Hong Kong under the Microscope”. The activity aims to let students explore more about Hong Kong. During project learning weeks, students will collect information through different channels (visits, expeditions, interviews, workshops etc.), analyze information, make conclusion and reflect on the project. Finally, they will share and present the project outcome.
範疇Scope | |
P1 | 親親社區 I Love My Community |
P2 | 節日 Festivals |
P3 | 食物大搜查 Yummy Food |
P4 | 水是生命之源 Water is Life |
P5 | 體藝大不同 Arts and Sports |
P6 | 文化探索與環境意識 Cultural Exploration and Environmental Awareness |