School Curriculum Introduction


The learning goals which students are expected to achieve upon completion of primary education:

1. Know how to distinguish right from wrong, fulfil their duties as members in the family, society and the nation, and show acceptance and tolerance towards pluralistic values;

2.  Understand their national identity and be concerned about society, the nation and the world, and to fulfil their role as a responsible citizen;

3.  Develop an interest in reading extensively and cultivate a habit of reading;

4.  Actively communicate with others in English and Chinese (including Putonghua);

5.  Develop independent learning skills, especially self-management skills and collaboration skills;

6.  Master the basics of the eight Key Learning Areas to prepare for studying in secondary schools; and

7.  Lead a healthy lifestyle and develop an interest in aesthetic and physical activities and an ability to appreciate these activities.


Our school puts much effort in broadening students’ learning experience.


1) Develops school-based curriculum and student-centred learning and teaching strategies


  • For English Language Curriculum, we use Read Write Inc. (a phonics-based reading programme) in Key stage one and Reading Programme: The World of Roald Dahl in Key stage two. Elements of drama are also included in upper primary lessons to arouse students’ interests of learning and promote language learning.


  • For Chinese Language Curriculum, we have developed a school-based Chinese curriculum to support the learning of NCS students. Professional support services are introduced includes the provision of core and learning enrichment courses for CS students.


  • For Mathematics, a variety of classroom learning activities are designed largely based on investigating and topical pedagogical strategies.


  • For General Studies, subjected-based elements are developed including learning and exploration of scientific knowledge, environmental conservation, value education, national education, and STEAM education.


  • For Information Technology, we have developed a school-based curriculum with topics such as coding, VR, AR, and information literacy.


  • For Music, Visual Arts and Physical Education, we aim to expand and widen students’ learning experiences through developing different specialized courses.



2) Organize a wide range of life-wide learning activities to enrich students’ learning experience and promote personal growth
  • Project Learning Weeks activities are organized to enables students construct knowledge, develop their generic skills, and establish positive values and attitudes.

  • Interchanging programmes with Mainland are organized to enhance students’ understanding and strengthen their senses of belongings and recognition to the motherland. And overseas Learning programmes are organized to promote experiential learning and expand students’ worldview.

  • School-based personal growth curriculum and education camp are arranged to prepare primary six student life beyond study.


3) Promote the habit of reading among students
  • Students’ reading interest and ability are cultivated through reading time, extended reading activities and library lessons, etc. The school also arranges extended reading activities in different subjects such as the Proverb Stories project in Chinese and the Environment Protection project in General Studies.


4) Promote e-learning and independent learning
  • Our school has exploited different e-learning platforms to provide opportunities for peer interactions and timely feedback from teachers for effective learning. E-platform includes Google Classroom, Kahoot, Nearpod, Quizizz, padlet etc.

  • School-based learning materials for TING pen users (primary one to five) are made to support students’ revision of English, Chinese, Maths and General Studies at home.


5) Promote all-round Education to help developing multiple intelligences
  • Provide a variety of diversified extra-curricular activities including Royal Ballet Class, English Drama Classes, Fencing, Chinese Dance, French Class, VR designer, School Safety Patrol Team and so on.


6) Cater for learner diversity and different learning needs
  • To promote students’ learning effectiveness, our school adopts wide variety of teaching and learning strategies in classroom including peer learning, group learning and buddy learning. Besides, we also provide enrichment classes, after-school homework classes for Primary 1 & 2, support classes for new immigrants and non-Chinese speaking students, art classes or sports training classes to cater for students’ learning differences and needs.


7) Better Teacher professional development
  • Teacher training programmes, sessions for co-planning of lessons, peer observation, subject-based discussion seminars and professional support from EDB are arranged for promoting teacher professional development.